Quote of what the world is missing

War does not decide the victor, but is the forming foundation or new rule. It does no prove who was better, but that they were lucky.
For war does not decide who is right..... But who is left.

Monday, September 16, 2013



    Love is a complex thing, simply because there is no one definition.  The emotion of love is used to describe the feeling you have towards your favorite flavor of soda, and the passion you have to a lover.

Who the hell invented the english language, because they should be slapped for being utter and total morons.  You have the same word have two very different meanings only making the defining of the word only more impossible.

Lets head to the science portion, LOVE is the only emotion in the human brain that does not realize a chemical when experienced.  Happiness has dopamine, melatonin creates drowsy, seotonine makes you sad... but love, there is no chemical associated.  For love is not an emotion, but an instinct.  The need for companion ship is witnessed at the neural level making it even more of a complicated thing to understand.

Love can not be defined, well..... it can't be defined in its current context.  True love will never have a direct definition due to its changing nature, but non consensual love is simply the extreme enjoyment of something.  I love Mountain Dew, Android, Jolly-Rancers (not singing farmers), and i love my family.

I will never understand love, but nor will anyone else.  It is impossible to understand something that you make up because there is always something inspiring you that you can not see, only others can interpret.  Which is only an opinion, which can never be proven correct.

"Love is natures way of tricking you into reproducing"

Also:  When you're studying atoms, its really just atoms trying to understand atoms. OHH mind blown!