Quote of what the world is missing

War does not decide the victor, but is the forming foundation or new rule. It does no prove who was better, but that they were lucky.
For war does not decide who is right..... But who is left.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Random Happenstance

So I was driving home the other day from who knows where, and I saw this...

This is why I love the elderly
What ever happened to classic cars and milkshakes.
Going for a drive with the top down just cause it was Tuesday.
ahhhh... it just bugs me,
but what do I know.
Anyway that's all I got
Just Thought I should share


  1. I totally want that car!! I would love to go back to classic cars and milkshakes!!

  2. My favorite word: Nostalgia.

  3. short, yet sweet. :) i liked it, subtle came out with a bang!
